If you are interested in making charitable contributions to very beneficial organizations dedicated to multiple myeloma, the following are noteworthy.
Myeloma Canada
Myeloma Canada is the only Canadian national organization dedicated solely to the benefit of Canadians affected by
myeloma, through research, education, advocacy, and awareness. Myeloma Canada has charitable status and donations will be deductible for tax purposes. Donations can be made online at, or by mail or telephone.
Myeloma Canada Email:
255 TransCanada Highway, Suite 160 Website:
Dorval, QC H9P 2V4 Telephone: 1-888-798-5771
Donations may also be dedicated to a friend or relative affected by myeloma, or in memory.
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation – Myeloma Research Fund
Anyone who wishes to support myeloma research and development of life sustaining drugs, can donate to the Molly and David Bloom Chair in Multiple Myeloma Research, through the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. This growing fund is chaired by internationally renowned Dr. Donna Reece, and is enabling the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre to become a major leading myeloma research centre.
Donations may be made online at, or by mail or telephone.
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
610 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 2M9
Telephone: 1-866-224-6560
Please make sure to specify the “Myeloma Research Fund” in the memo area of the cheque, as the funds will otherwise go into the hospital’s general cancer research fund. The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, c/o Myeloma Research Fund, has charitable status for tax deduction purposes.